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Alsip Peter J., John H. Hartig, Gail Krantzberg, Katie Williams, Julia Wondolleck.  2021. Evolving Institutional Arrangements for use of an ecosystem approach in restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern.  Sustainability 13(3), 1532; doi:10.3390/su13031532

Aubry-Wake, C., Somers, L. D., Alcock, H., Anderson, A. M., Azarkhish, A., Bansah, S., Bell, N. M., Biagi, K., Castaneda?Gonzalez, M., Champagne, O., Chesnokova, A., Coone, D., Gauthier, T. J., Ghimire, U., Glas, N., Hrach, D. M., Lai, O. Y., Lamontagne?Halle, P., Leroux, N. R., Lyon, L., Mandal, S., Nasri, B. R., Popovi?, N., Rankin, Tracy. E., Rasouli, K., Robinson, A., Sanyal, P., Shatilla, N. J., Van Huizen, B., Wilkinson, S., Williamson, J. and Zaremehrjardy, M. (2020) A new flow for Canadian young hydrologists: Key scientific challenges addressed by research cultural shifts, Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.13724.

Beamesderfer, E., Arain, M.A., Khomik, M., Brodeur, J.J. (2020) The Impact of Seasonal and Annual Climate Variations on the Carbon Uptake Capacity of a Deciduous Forest Within the Great Lakes Region of Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 125(9) 20p.

Beamesderfer, E., Arain, M.A., Khomik, M., Brodeur, J.J., Burns, B. (2020) Response of carbon and water fluxes to meteorological and phenological variability in two eastern North American forests of similar age but contrasting species composition – a multiyear comparison. Biogeosciences, Vol 17, Pp 3563-3587.

Bodo, A., Arain, M.A. (2021) Radial variations in xylem sap flux in a temperate red pine plantation forest. Ecological Processes. [submitted]

Borowiec BG, Hoffman RD, Hess CD, Galvez F, Scott GR. 2020. Interspecific variation in hypoxia tolerance and hypoxia acclimation responses in killifish from the family Fundulidae. J Exp Biol. 223, jeb209692.

Champagne, O. (2020) Projections of hydrometeorological processes in Southern Ontario: Uncertainties due to internal variability of climate, PhD thesis, McMaster University.

Champagne, O., Arain, M. A., Leduc, M., Coulibaly, P. and McKenzie, S. (2020) Future shift in winter streamflow modulated by the internal variability of climate in southern Ontario, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(6), 3077–3096, doi:10.5194/hess-24-3077-2020.

Champagne, O., Leduc, M., Shusen, W., Hazen, R., and Arain, M. A. (2020) Interdecadal variability of streamflow in the Hudson Bay lowlands watersheds driven by atmospheric circulation. Manuscript submitted to Journal of hydrology: Regional studies. EJRH-D-20-00366

Champagne, O., Leduc, M., Coulibaly, P. and Arain, M. A. (2020) Winter hydrometeorological extreme events modulated by large-scale atmospheric circulation in southern Ontario, Earth System Dynamics, 11(1), 301–318, doi:10.5194/esd-11-301-2020.

Deane PJ, Wilkinson SL, Moore PA, Waddington JM. (2020) Seismic lines in boreal treed bogs as analogs for wildfire fuel modification treatments. Fire 3: 21, doi: 10.3390/fire3020021

Debreu, L., Kevlahan, N.K.-R., and Marchesiello, P. (2020) Brinkman volume penalization for bathymetry in three-dimensional ocean models. Ocean Model. 145, 101530.

Deen, T.A., Arain, M.A., Champagne, O., Chow-Fraser, P., Nagabhatla, N., Martin-Hill, D. (2021) Regional climate change impacts: trend analysis of climate extremes in Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario, Canada. Regional Environmental Change. [submitted]

Gao, J., You, G., Arain, M., Wang, S., McKenzie, S., Xu, B., He, Y., Wu, D., Lin, N., Gao, J., Jia, X. (2020) Inter-annual Climate Variability and Vegetation Dynamic in the Upper Amur (Heilongjiang) River Basin in Northeast Asia. Environmental Research Communications, 2,

Haavisto, R., Lamers, M., Carrasco, J., Dawson, J., Liggett, D., Ljubicic, G., Stewart, E., and Thoman, R. (2020) Mapping weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information providers in Polar Regions: Who are they and who do they serve? Polar Geography, 43, 2-3: 120-138. (

Hartig, John H., Gail Krantzberg, and Peter Alsip. (2020) 35 Years of Restoring Great Lakes Areas of Concern: Indolent Progress, But Hopeful Future. Journal of Great Lakes Research: 46: 429-442 doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2020.04.004.

Helbig M, Waddington JM, Alekseychik P, Amiro B, Aurela M, Barr AG, Black TA, Carey SK, Chen J, Chi J, Desai AR, Dunn A, Euskirchen E, Friborg T, Flanagan LB, Garneau M,  Grelle A, Harder  S, Heliasz M, Humphreys ER, Ikawa H, Iwata H, Isabelle P-E, Jassal R, Kurbatova J, Kutzbach L, Lapshina, E, Lindroth A, Lohila A, Mammarella I, Maximov T, Marsh P, Moore PA, Nadeau D, Nicholls EM, Nilsson MB, Ohta T, Peichl M, Petrone RM, Prokushkinn A, Quinton W, Roulet N, Runkle BRK, Sonnentag O, Strachan IB, Taillardat P, Tuittila E-S, Turner J, Ueyama M, Varlagin A, Vesla T, Wilmking M, Zyrianov V. (2020) The biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season. Environmental Research Letters 15: 104004, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abab34.

Helbig M, Waddington JM, Alekseychik P, Amiro B, Aurela M, Barr AG, Black TA, Blanken PD, Carey SK, Chen J, Chi J, Desai AR, Dunn A, Euskirchen E, Friborg T, Flanagan LB, Forbrich I, Grelle A, Harder  S, Heliasz M, Humphreys ER, Ikawa H, Iwata H, Isabelle P-E, Jassal R, Kurbatova J, Korkiakoski M, Kutzbach L, Ohta T, Lindroth A, Lohila A, Maksimov T, Mammarella I, Marsh P, Melton JR, Moore PA, Nadeau D, Nicholls EM, Nilsson MB, Peichl M, Petrone RM, Petrov R, Prokushkinn A, Quinton W, Roulet N, Reed D, Runkle BRK, Sonnentag O, Strachan IB, Taillardat P, Tuittila E-S, Turner J, Ueyama M, Varlagin A, Wilmking M, Wofsy S, Zyrianov V. (2020) Increasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate. Nature Climate Change 10: 555–560, doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-0763-7.

Jean-Philippe Jenny, Orlane Anneville, Yoann Baulaz, Damien Bouffard, Isabelle Domaizon, Serghei Bocaniov, Nathalie Chèvre, Maria Dittrich, Jean-Marcel Dorioz, Erin Dunlop, Gaël Dur, Jean Guillard, Thibault Guinaldo, Aurélien Jamoneau, Stéphan Jacque, Zobia Jawed, Erik Jeppesen, Gail Krantzberg, John Lenters, Barbara Leoni, Michel Meybeck, Veronica Nava, Tina Nõges, Peeter Nõges, Martina Patelli, Victoria Pebbles, Marie-Elodie Perga, Carl R. Ruetz III, Lars Rudstam, Nico Salmaso, Sharma Sapna, Dietmar Straile, Olga Tammeorg, Michael Twiss, Donald G. Uzarski, Anne-Mari Ventela, Warwick F. Vincent, Steven W. Wilhelm, Sten-Åke Wängberg, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer. (2020) Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid Degradation of the World’s Large Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research Volume 46, Issue 4, August 2020, Pages 686-702.

Jetoo, Savitri and Gail Krantzberg (2020) Early Lessons of COVID-19 for Governance of the North American Great Lakes and the Baltic Sea. World 1: 317-325.

Krantzberg, G. (2020) Examining governance principles that enable RAP implementation and sustainable outcomes. Ecovision World Monograph Series (EWMS) (in press)

Krantzberg, G. (2020) Plastic Pollution in the Aquatic Environment, Why it matters and what we can do about it. Water Canada (May-June P 20 – 21)

Krantzberg, Gail and Zilin Song. (2020) Adaptive Governance for Shared Waters. International Journal of Water Governance (OpenAccess Library Journal Vol.07 No.10(2020), Article ID:103801,19 pages 10.4236/oalib.1106833

Lin, S., Coops, N., Tortini, R., Jia, W., Nesic, Z., Beamesderfer, E., Arain, M.A., Li, J., Liu, Q. (2021) Species and stand-age driven differences in photochemical reflectance index and light use efficiency across four temperate forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 98.

Ma, Y. (2020) Analysis and Modelling of Soil CO2 Emissions Within Temperate Coniferous and Deciduous Forests, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University.

Markle CE, Moore PA, Waddington JM. (2020) Primary drivers of reptile overwintering habitat suitability: Integrating wetland ecohydrology and spatial complexity. Bioscience 70: 597-609, doi:10.1093/biosci/biaa059.

Markle CE, Moore PA, Waddington JM. 2020. Temporal variability of overwintering conditions for a species-at-risk snake: Implications for climate change and habitat management. Global Ecology and Conservation 22: e00923, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00923.

Markle CE, North TD, Harris LI, Moore PA, Waddington JM. (2020) Spatial heterogeneity of surface topography in peatlands: Assessing overwintering habitat availability for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Wetlands 40: 2337-2349, doi: 10.1007/s13157-020-01378-2.

Markle CE, Wilkinson SL, Waddington JM. (2020) Initial impacts of wildfire on freshwater turtle nesting habitat. Journal of Wildlife Management 84: 1373-1383, doi: 10.1002/jwmg.21921.

Martin-Hill, D., Deen, T., Nagabhatla, N., Arain, A., Gibson, C., Chen, K. (October 23, 2020). Climate, Community and Indigenous Resilience: Impacts of Water Stress on Planning a Climate Secure Future.

McKenzie, S.M., Pisaric, P.F.J., Arain, M.A. (2020) Comparison of tree?ring growth and eddy covariance?based ecosystem productivities in three different?aged pine plantation forests. Trees: Structure and Function, DOI 10.1007/s00468-020-02061-z.

Meredith, M. and Sommerkorn, M. (Coordinating Lead Authors). in press. Chapter 3: Polar Regions. Ljubicic, G. J. among the 69 Contributing Chapter Authors. In: Pörtner,H.- O., Roberts, D.C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Nicolai, M., Okem, A., Petzold, J., Rama, B., Weyer, N. (eds.). IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (Approved Summary for Policymakers). 198pp. (

Morison M, Petrone RM, Wilkinson SL, Green A, Waddington JM. (2020) Ecosystem scale evapotranspiration and CO2 exchange in a burned and unburned peatland: Implications for the ecohydrological resilience of carbon stocks to wildfire. Ecohydrology   13: e2189, doi: 10.1002/eco.2189.

Pastorello, G., … Arain, M.A., … Beamesderfer, E., et al. (2020) The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data, Vol 7(1), Pp 1-27.

Poyatos, R., Granda, V., Flo, V., Adams, M.A. Adorján, B., David Aguadé, D., Aidar, M.P.M., Allen, S., Alvarado-Barrientos, M.S., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J. Aparecido, L.M., Arain, M.A., Aranda, I., Asbjornsen, H., Baxter, R., Beamesderfer, E., Berry, Z.C., Berveiller, D., Blakely, B., Boggs, J. (2020) Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data Discussions. 1-57.

Pyke, C., and Wilton, R. (2020). Planning for inclusion? An assessment of Ontario’s emergency preparedness guide for people with disabilities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51,

Rizwan, M. (2020) Evaluating the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on the Infrastructure Development or Construction Industry in Ontario, M.Sc. thesis, McMaster University.

Stewart, E., Liggett, D., Lamers, M., Ljubicic, G., Dawson, J., Thoman, R., Haavisto, R., and Carrasco, J. (2020) Characterising polar mobilities to understand the role of weather, water, ice and climate (WWIC) information. Polar Geography, 2-3: 95-119. (

Turko AJ, Nolan CB, Balshine S, Scott GR, Pitcher TE. 2020. Thermal tolerance depends on season, age, and body condition in imperiled redside dace Clinostomus elongatus. Conserv Physiol. 8, coaa062.

Wilkinson SL, Tekatch A, Markle CE, Moore PA, Waddington JM. (2020) Shallow peat is more vulnerable to high peat burn severity during wildfire. Environmental Research Letters 15: 104032, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aba7e8.

Wilkinson SL, Verkaik G, Moore PA, Waddington JM. (2020) Threshold peat burn severity breaks evaporation-limiting feedback. Ecohydrology 13: e2168, doi: 10.1002/eco.2168.

Wilson, K., Bell, T., Arreak, A., Koonoo, B., Angnatsiak, D., and Ljubicic, G. (2020) The Sikumiut Model: Changing the role of non-Indigenous research partners in practice to support Inuit self-determination in research. Arctic Science, 6, 3: 127-153. (

Wu Y, Zhang N, Slater G, Waddington JM, de Lannoy C-F. (2020) Hydrophobicity of peat soils: Characterization of organic compounds associated with heat-induced water repellency. Science of the Total Environment 714: 136444, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136444.


Albert L.P, Restrepo-Coupe N, Smith M.N, Wu J, Chavana-Bryant C, Prohaska N, Taylor T.C, Martins G.A, Ciais P, Mao J, Arain M.A, Li W, Shi X, Ricciuto D.M, Huxman T.E, McMahon M, Saleska S.R. (2019). Cryptic phenology in plants: case studies, implications and recommendations. Global Change Biology. 25: 3591–3608.

Awol, F.S., Coulibaly, P., Tsanis, I., Unduche, F. (2019). Identification of hydrological models for enhanced ensemble reservoir inflow forecasting in a large complex watershed. Water, 11(11):2201.

Baird AJ, Evans CD, Mills R, Morris PJ, Page SE, Peacock M, Reed M, Robroek BJM, Stoneman R, Swindles GT, Thom T, Waddington JM, Young DM. 2019. Validity of managing peatlands with fire. Nature Geoscience12: in press,10.1038/s41561-019-0477-5.

Besnard, S., Carvalhais, N., Arain, MA., Black, A., Brede, B., Buchmann, N., Chen, JQ., Clevers, JGPW., Dutrieux, LP., Gans, F., Herold, M., Jung, M., Kosugi, Y., Knohl, A., Law, BE., Paul-Limoges, E., Lohila, A., Merbold, L., Roupsard, O., Valentini, R., Wolf, S., Zhang, XD., Reichstein, M. (2019). Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests. PLOS ONE, 14 (2): e0211510.

Bori, D., DeLuca, C., Kibursi, A. 2020 The Economics of Extreme Climatic Events. Routledge, 2020.

Champagne, O., Arain, M.A., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Atmospheric circulation amplifies shift of winter streamflow in southern Ontario. Journal of Hydrology, 578: 124051.

Coutino, A., Stastna, M., Reinhardt, E.G., Mangroves modulate the mixing response of the Yucatan aquifer: observations and modelling. Journal of Hydrology.

Cui, EQ., Huang, K., Arain, MA., Fisher, JB., Huntzinger, DN., Ito, A., Luo, YQ., Jain, AK., Mao, JF.,  Michalak, AM.,  Niu, S., Parazoo, NC., Peng, CH., Peng, SS., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, DM., Schaefer, KM., Schwalm, CR., Shi, XY., Tian, HQ., Wang, WL., Wang, JS., Wei, YX., Yan, ER., Yan, LM., Zeng, N., Zhu, QA., Xia, JY., (2019). Vegetation Functional Properties Determine Uncertainty of Simulated Ecosystem Productivity: A Traceability Analysis in the East Asian Monsoon Region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33 (6): 668-689. Davidson SJ, Strack M, Bourbonniere RA, Waddington JM. 2019. Controls on carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a peat swamp vary by hydrogeomorphic setting. Ecohydrology 13: e2162, doi:10.1002/eco.2162.

Darbandsari, P., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Inter-comparison of Different Bayesian Model Averaging Modifications in Streamflow Prediction. Water, 11(8): 1707. DOI:10.3390/w11081707.

Debreu, L., Kevlahan, N.K.-R. & Marchesiello, P. 2020 Brinkman volume penalization for bathymetry in three-dimensional ocean models. Ocean Model. 145, 101530.

Depante M, Morison, MQ, Petrone RM, Devito KJ, Kettridge N, Waddington JM. Hydraulic redistribution and hydrological controls on aspen transpiration and establishment in peatlands following wildfire. Hydrological Processes 33: 2714-2728, doi:10.1002/hyp.13522.

Dibike, Y., Eum, H., Coulibaly, P., Hartmann, J. (2019). Projected Changes in the Frequency of Peak Flows along the Athabasca River: Sensitivity of Results to Statistical Methods of Analysis. Climate, 7(7): 88. DOI:10.3390/cli707008.

Farr, H., Robb, J., Reinhardt, E.G., Boyce, S., Clapham, A., Collins, S., Using marine deposits to understand terrestrial human environments: a 6000-year old flash flood event and its implications. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

Feist, S.K. Maclachlan J.C., Reinhardt, E.G., Skelding, H.S. Anthropogenic events captured within sediment in Hidden River Cave, Kentucky. Quaternary Science Advances.

Ganguli, P., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Assessment of future changes in intensity-duration-frequency curves for Southern Ontario using North American (NA)-CORDEX models with nonstationary methods. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 22, 100587. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2018.12.007.

Gregory, B.R., Patterson, R.T., Reinhardt, E., Galloway, J., 2019, The iBox-FC: A new containment vessel for Itrax X-ray fluorescence core-scanning of freeze cores. Quaternary International. 514: 76-84.

Gregory, B.R.B., Patterson, R.T., Reinhardt, E.G., Galloway, J.M., Roe, H. M., 2019, An evaluation of methodologies for calibrating Itrax X-ray fluorescence counts with ICP-MS concentration data for discrete sediment samples. Chemical Geology 521: 12–27.

Han, S., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Probabilistic flood forecasting using hydrologic uncertainty processor with ensemble weather forecasts. Journal of Hydrometeorology.

Han, S., Coulibaly, P., Biondi, D. (2019). Assessing Hydrologic Uncertainty Processor Performance for Flood Forecasting in a Semiurban Watershed. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001828.

He, Y., Peng, SS., Liu, YW., Li, XY., Wang, K., Ciais, P., Arain, MA., Fang, YY., Fisher, JB., Goll, D., Hayes, D., Huntzinger, DN., Ito, A., Jain, AK., Janssens, IA., Mao, JF., Matteo, C., Michalak, AM., Peng, CH., Penuelas, J., Poulter, B., Qin, DH.,. Ricciuto, DM., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, CR., Shi, XY., Tian, HQ., Vicca, S., Wei, YX., Zeng, N., Zhu, QA. (2019). Global vegetation biomass production efficiency constrained by models and observations. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14816

Ingram RC, Moore PA, Wilkinson SL, Petrone RM, Waddington JM. Postfire soil carbon accumulation does not recover boreal peatland combustion loss in some hydrogeological settings. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 124: 775-788, doi:10.1029/2018JG004716.

Kettridge N, Lukenbach MC, Hokanson KJ, Devito KJ, Petrone RM, Mendoza CA, Waddington JM. 2019. Extreme wildfire exposes remnant peat carbon stocks to increased post-fire drying. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 3727, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-40033-7.

Keum, J., Awol, F.S., Ursulak, J., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Introducing the Ensemble-Based Dual Entropy and Multiobjective Optimization for Hydrometric Network Design Problems: EnDEMO. Entropy, 21(10): 947. DOI:10.3390/e21100947

Kevlahan, N.K.R. & Dubos, T. 2019 WAVETRISK-1.0: an adaptive wavelet hydrostatic dynamical core. Geosci. Model Dev. 12, 4901–4921.

Kevlahan, N.K.-R. Khan, R. & Protas, B. 2019 On the convergence of data assimilation for the one-dimensional shallow water equations with sparse observations. Adv Comput Math 45(5), 3195-3216

Krywy-Janzen, A., Reinhardt, E.G., McNeill-Jewer, C., Coutino, A., Waltham, B., Stastna, M., Dominique Rissolo, D., Meacham, S. van Hengstum, P., 2019, Water-level change recorded in Lake Pac Chen Quintana Roo, Mexico infers connection with the aquifer and response to Holocene sea-level rise. And Classic Maya Drought. Journal of Paleolimnology. 62 (4): 373–388.

Leach, J.M., Coulibaly, P. (2019). An extension of data assimilation into the short-term hydrologic forecast for improved prediction reliability. Advances in Water Resources, DOI:10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103443.

Liu, YW., Piao, SL., Gasser, T. Ciais, P., Yang, H., Wang, H., Keenan, TF., Huang, MT., Wan, SQ., Song, J., Wang, K., Janssens, IA., Penuelas, J., Huntingford, C., Wang, XH., Arain, MA., Fang, YY., Fisher, JB., Huang, MY., Huntzinger, DN., Ito, A., Jain, AK., Mao, JF., Michalak, AM., Peng, CH., Poulter, B., Schwalm, C., Shi, XY., Tian, HQ., Wei, YX., Zeng, N., Zhu, QA., Wang, T. (2019). Field-experiment constraints on the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink by CO2 fertilization. Nature Geosciences, 12 (10): 809.

Lo?wemark, L., Bloemsma, M., Croudace, I., Daly, J.S., Edwards, R.J., Francus, P., Galloway, J., Gregory, B., Huang, J.-J. S., Jones, A.F., Kylander, M., Lo?wemark, L., Luo, Y., MacLachlan, S., Ohlendorf, C., Patterson, R.T., Pearce, C., Profe, J., Reinhardt, E.G., Stranne, C., Tjallingii, R., Turner, J.N., 2019, Practical guidelines and recent advances in the ITRAX XRF core-scanning procedure. Quaternary International. 514: 16-29.

Luymes, N. and Chow-Fraser, P. 2019. Optimizations for time and effort in long-term monitoring: a case study using a multidecadal terrestrial salamander monitoring program. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Published online August 2019; 191: 597.

MacDonald, B.L., Chatters, J.C., Reinhardt, E.G., Devos, F., Meacham, S., Rissolo, D., Rock, B., Le Maillot, C., Stalla, D., Marino, M.D., Lo, E., Luna Erreguerena, P. Paleondian ochre mines in the submerged caves of the Yucatán peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Science -Advances.

Mai, J., Kornelsen, K. C., Tolson, B. A., Fortnin, V., Gasset, N., Bouhemhem, D., Schafer, D., Leahy, M., Anctil, F., Coulibaly, P. (2019). The Canadian Surface Prediction Archive (CaSPAr): A Platform to Enhance Environmental Modeling in Canada and Globally. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, DOI:10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0143.1.

Marjaba, G., Chidiac, S., Kubursi, A. 2020. Sustainability framework for buildings via data analytics. Building and Environment, 172: 10673

McKenzie, C.M., Piczak, M., Snyman, H.N., Joseph, T., Theijin, C., Chow-Fraser, P. and Jarinde, C.M.   First report of ranavirus mortality in a common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentine).  Diseases of Aquatic Organisms.

McNeill-Jewer C.A., Reinhardt, E.G., Collins S., Kovacs S., Chan W.M., Devos F., LeMaillot C., The effect of seasonal rainfall on nutrient input and biological productivity in the Yax Chen cave system (Ox Bel Ha), Mexico, and implications for µXRF core studies of paleohydrology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 534,109289.

Moore PA, Lukenbach MC, Thompson DK, Kettridge N, Granath G, Waddington JM.  Assessing the peatland hummock-hollow classification framework using high-resolution elevation models: Implications for appropriate complexity ecosystem modeling. Biogeosciences 16: 3491-3506, doi:10.5194/bg-2019-20.

Muhammad, A., Evenson, G. R., Stadnyk, T. A., Boluwade, A., Jha, S. K., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Impact of model structure on the accuracy of hydrological modeling of a Canadian Prairie watershed. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 21, 40-56.

Paterson, J.E., Baxter-Gilbert, J., Beaudry, F., Cameron, G., Carstairs, S., Chow-Fraser, P., Edge, C., Lentini, A., Markle, C., McKeown, K., Moore, J., Rasmussen, M., Refsnider, J., Rouse, J., Riley, J., Seburn, D., Zimmerling, R. and Cavy, C.   Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution:  9: 9794–9803.

Piczak, M. and Chow-Fraser, P.   Assessment of critical habitat for common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentine) in an urbanized coastal wetland.  Urban Ecosystems.  22:525-537.

Piczak, M., Markle, C.E. and Chow-Fraser, P.   Decades of road mortality cause severe decline in a common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentine) population from an urbanized wetland.  Chelonian Conservation and Biology:  18: 231-240

Requena, A.I., Burn, D.H., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Estimation of grided relative changes in 24-h extreme rainfall intensities based on pooled frequency analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 577: 123940. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.123940.

Requena, A.I., Burn, D.H., Coulibaly, P. (2019). Pooled frequency analysis for intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curve estimation. Hydrological Processes.

Rupasinghe, P. and Chow-Fraser, P.   Mapping invasive Phragmites australis in Lake Erie wetlands (Canada) using multispectral satellite imagery.  Wetlands Ecology and Management. 2019 27:513-538.

Shaw, J., Coutino, A., Stastna, M., Walter, R., Reinhardt, E., 2019, Feature Identification in Timeseries Datasets. Heliyon, 5(5) doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01708

Turkistani, M. N., Reinhardt, E.G., Kynson, D., Bhattacharya, J.P., Morphogroup Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Ferron-Notom Delta, Central Utah, USA. Journal of Foraminiferal Research.

Van Beest C, Petrone RM, Nwaishi F, Waddington JM, Macrae ML. 2019. Increased peatland nutrient availability following the Fort McMurray Horse River wildfire. Diversity 11: 142, doi:10.3390/d11090142.

Vaziri, S.H., Reinhart, E.G., Pilarczyk, J.E., 2019, Coastal foraminifera from the Iranian coast of Makran, Oman Sea (Chabahar Bay to Gawater Bay) as an indicator of tsunamis. Geopersia 9(1): 43-63.

Wang X., Xiao J, Li X, Cheng G, Ma M, Zhu G, Arain M.A, Black T.A, Jassal R.S. (2019). No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus period. Nature Communications. 10: 2389.

Wazneh, H., Arain, M. A, Coulibaly, P. (2019). Climate indices to characterize climatic changes across southern Canada. Meteorological Application. DOI: 10.1002/met.1861.

Weekes, K., and Krantzberg, G. Sustaining Groundwater Quantity in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin: Visioning a Governance Framework based on the City of Guelph, Ontario (in review).

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Kovacs S.E., Reinhardt E.G., Werner C., Kim S.T., Devos F., Le Maillot C., 2018, Seasonal trends in calcite raft formation from cenotes Rainbow, Feno and Monkey Dust, Quintana Roo, Mexico – implications for palaeoenvironmental studies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Paleoecology. 497:157-167.

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Leach, J.M., Kornelsen, K.C., Coulibaly, P. (2018). Assimilation of near-real time data products into models of an urban basin. Journal of Hydrology, 563: 51-64.

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Requia W.J., Matthew D. Adams, Altaf Arain, Stefania Papatheodorou, Petros Koutrakis, Moataz Mohamed, 2018. Global association of air pollution and cardiorespiratory diseases: Systematic review, meta-analysis, and investigation of modifier variables. American Journal of Public Health, 108 (2): S123–S130. https://doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303839.

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von Buttlar, J., Zscheischler, J., Rammig, A., Sippel, S., Reichstein, M., Knohl, A., Jung, M., Menzer, O., Arain, M. A., Buchmann, N., Cescatti, A., Gianelle, D., Kieley, G., Law, B. E., Magliulo, V., Margolis, H., McCaughey, H., Merbold, L., Migliavacca, M., Montagnani, L., Oechel, W., Pavelka, M., Peichl, M., Rambal, S., Raschi, A., Scott, R. L., Vaccari, F. P., van Gorsel, E., Varlagin, A., Wohlfahrt, G., and Mahecha, M. D., 2018. Impacts of droughts and extreme temperature events on gross primary production and ecosystem respiration: a systematic assessment across ecosystems and climate zones, Biogeosciences Discussion, 15: 1293–1318. org/10.5194/bg-2017-393.

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